Gambar 3D kanthi AutoCAD - Bagean 8

Seksi sepisan saka kursus autocad online gratis kalebu bab 33 kanggo 41.

Course autocad online

Bab 33 X Modeling Space 3D

Bab 34 SCP ing 3D

34.1 SCP ing 3D
34.1.1 Asal
34.1.2 Face
34.1.3 Telung poin
34.1.4 Vector Z
34.1.5 View
34.1.6 Rotating shafts
34.1.7 Pangaturan SCP
34.1.8 Grip lambang SCP
34.1.9 Rekam lan nganggo maneh SCP
34.2 Dynamic SCP

Bab 35 Ningali ing 3D

35.1 Orbit 3D
35.1.1 Orbit menu kontekstual
35.1.2 Nyetel jarak lan Pangsi
Proyeksi 35.1.3 ing Perspektif lan Paralel
35.2 ViewCube
35.3 SteeringWheel
35.4 animasi
35.4.1 ShowMotion
35.4.2 Cameras
35.4.3 Ride and Flight
Ngrekam Video 35.4.4
35.5 Navigasi karo mouse
35.6 Visual Styles

Bab 36 Obyek 3D

36.1 Lines, lekuk lan polylines ing 3D lingkup
36.1.1 Ngowahi obyek sederhana ing 3D
36.1.2 Referensi kanggo obyek 3D
Jenis Obyek 36.2
36.2.1 Solids
36.2.2 Surfaces
Ketat 36.2.3
Manipulasi objek 36.3 3D
36.3.1 Gizmos 3D
36.3.2 Align and Simetri 3D

Bab 37 Solids

37.1 Solids from simple objects
37.1.1 Extrusion
37.1.2 Sweep
37.1.3 Loft
Revolusi 37.1.4
37.1.5 Propellers
37.2 Primitives
37.3 Polysolids
37.4 Senyawa padat
37.4.1 Cut
Pemeriksaan Gangguan 37.4.2
37.4.3 Intersection
37.4.4 Union
37.4.5 Béda
37.4.6 Pulsartrar
37.4.7 Case
37.5 Chamfer and Splice 3D
37.6 Editing dening grip
37.7 Sunting subobjects
Stamping 37.7.1
37.8 Edition komposit padhet
37.9 Section
Dokumentasi Model 37.10
37.11 Reresik saka padhet

Bab 38 Permukaan

Metode 38.1 nggawe permukaan
38.1.1 Flat surface
38.1.2 Extrusion
38.1.3 Sweep
38.1.4 Loft
Revolusi 38.1.5
38.1.6 Network surfaces
38.1.7 Fusion
38.1.8 Patch
38.1.9 Offset
38.2 Conversion to surfaces
38.3 Surface edition
38.3.1 Splice
38.3.2 Trim
38.3.3 Lengthen
38.3.4 Sculpt
38.3.5 Control vertices
Proyeksi 38.3.6 Geometry

Bab 39 Mesh

39.1 Meshes saka obyek sing prasaja
39.1.1 Mesh ditetepake dening sisih
39.1.2 Regladas
39.1.3 Tabulated
39.1.4 Revolusioner
Primitif 39.2 Mesh
39.3 Conversion kanggo bolong
39.4 Edition
39.4.1 Smoothing
39.4.2 Refining
39.4.3 Folds
39.4.4 Faces
39.4.5 Sub-objek ing meshes

Bab 40 Digunakna

40.1 Materials
Assignment of materials for 40.1.1
40.1.2 Modifikasi lan nggawe bahan
Lampu 40.2
40.2.1 Natural Light
40.2.2 Spot Light
40.2.3 Spotlights
Lampu 40.2.4 RED
40.3 Fund
40.4 Modeling

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